eliza ceci

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Should Christians use herbs and flower essences? Is it witchcraft or is it healing?

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Can I still use flower essences and herbs as a Christian? Is it biblical? Or, is it witchcraft, divination, and idolatry? Let’s have this much needed and nuanced conversation.

Essentially the BIG question we’re asking is, is it ok to use plants, like herbs, in a wellness practice? Is it witchcraft? Is it wrong? Am I actively rebelling against God? And the answer is, it depends.

So, I want to share with you in this episode some thoughts about this, where I’m currently at with each of these, what I’m learning about if it’s biblical to use plants in our everyday lives and if it is, how can we do it WELL.

They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served what has been created instead of the Creator, who is praised forever. Amen. -Romans 1:25

plants are a blessing from god.

Before I was saved, I was years-deep in the new age. I was a home herbalist, flower essence practitioner, and new age teacher. I (wrongly) adored the creation and not the Creator. I used herbs and flower essences in some way on a daily basis. But the way I was doing it was zero percent biblical.

Now, herbalism in itself and using herbs to balance and bring vitality to the body is not, I repeat, NOT unbiblical. In fact, it says in Hebrews 6:7, for the ground that drinks the rain that often falls on it and that produces vegetation to those for whom it is cultivated receives a blessing from God.

God made herbs and plants to nourish and support our physical and even mental health. There is nothing new age about enjoying herbal teas, infusions, and tinctures. Plants are made by God and meant to be used to help us in many aspects of our lives.

There are countless references to different plants in the Bible. My NIV Women’s Study Bible has a reference chart that lists the flowers and herbs of the Bible and their uses. So fun to learn more about this if you’re a fellow appreciator of plants.

should christians use flower essences?

Flower essences on the other hand, are man-made. If you’ve never heard of them they are a homeopathically prepared ‘essence’ of the flowers of plants, herbs, and trees meant to offer gentle support to different emotional and (more often in new age circles, spiritual) imbalances.

There were 2 reasons I felt uncomfortable with flower essences as a Christian. (and this comes from someone who used to make and sell my own!)

1. What I know about the way flower essences are taught (almost exclusively from a new age worldview) and

2. What I know about how most practitioners prepare the flower essences they sell.

How are flower essences taught?

They are almost exclusively taught in a new age way. Teachers (I’m saying this about myself btw, I taught flower essences in all of these ways) point to energy healing, the chakras, esoteric higher-self activations, and a never ending focus on self-loathing, I mean, self-healing.

It’s very rare to find a flower essence practitioner who doesn’t also teach new age practices. It’s not to say they aren’t out there. But it is increasingly more rare.

Usually, to compliment flower essences you’ll find practitioners also offering: cacao ceremonies and moon circles, shamanic healing, womb healing and yoni steaming, cord cutting, channeling or tarot readings, manifestation rituals, crystal healing, and so on.

That’s all stuff believers need to stay away from. Like, far, far away from. It’s not biblical. It’s firmly rooted in witchcraft, divination, and idol worship. God is not pleased. If you’re unsure if you’re doing something that you shouldn’t, start by going to God in prayer and ask for help and guidance.

If you’re still not convinced, let’s look at the description for a flower essence.

Descriptions are meant to help you understand what the essence will help you with. Usually something for your mind or mental state but there are flower essences popping up for just about any situation you can have in your life.

The descriptions are full of new age language. They are often so ungrounded you’re mostly left unsure of how the flower essence would actually, genuinely help you. 🚩

Here’s an example of a description for iris flower essence

Positive qualities: Inspired artistry, soulful creativity in touch with higher realms; radiant, iridescent vision in all aspects of life

Patterns of imbalance: Lacking inspiration or creativity; feeling weighed down by the ordinariness of the world; dullness or spectator consciousness

Did any of that make sense to you? Some of the red flags for me were ‘in touch with higher realms’, ‘iridescent vision’, ‘spectator consciousness’. We have to be discerning about the products we use. Even if we think they are natural because they are made with flowers and plants. And maybe you do feel you’re blocked creatively but that doesn’t mean we should use something like this flower essence as the solution. IMO.

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reflection questions about using herbs and flower essences as a christian

  • Is this practice biblical or is it a sin? What scripture verse backs this up? If I’m not sure pray with the Holy Spirit for a book of the bible or verse to study.

  • Am I honoring God in doing this practice? 

  • In what ways am I attached to this practice? ex. if the Holy Spirit tells you stop this practice do you feel triggered or do you easily obey and let it go?

  • If I’m convicted to stop using crystals, certain herbs, flower essences what’s my plan to get that out of my home? When will I do this?

  • Am I seeing this plant, this crystal etc as a lovely creation of God’s - or, am I giving it power that is out of alignment with God’s will? (ex. thinking the crystal has special healing powers vs God being the ultimate healer)

  • Who is teaching me about how to use these practices? Are they believers or are they teaching from a new age lens? Can I create space between me and these teachers until I know how I’d like to move forward?

  • How were these herbs, essences, etc prepared? Were they prepared in rituals or made simply as a supplement for good health, made following a recipe, etc

the deciding factor

In episode 19 I shared my experience of the Lord convicting me about the crystals I still had in my home because I thought they were pretty. 

BUT, in the past, I used these same crystals in witchcraft rituals. Rituals for success and abundance - basically demonic greed. Unbiblical and against God’s will for my life.

Something the Lord shared with me that made me really stop (that I didn’t share in that episode) is that by keeping these crystals, especially the ones I was holding onto thinking I might want to make a gem essence again in the future was this…

The Holy Spirit said to me, you’re still putting your faith in a rock being able to heal you. But I can heal you at any time. I AM the rock. Do you still not have faith in me?!

The same can go for your relationship with herbs, with flower essences, with essential oils, with crystals - with anything in your healing basket of tools that you are placing higher than God.

Can’t God do it? It reminds me of my favorite song we sing in church - Firm Foundation. He IS the rock eternal. He is what we put our faith in. He’s faithful through generations so why would He fail now, He WONT.

the decisions i’ve made about herbs and flower essences.

Do I use herbs? YES.
Do I use flower essences? NO.

Can christians use herbs? Absolutely. But with discernment. Remember, God created plants and flowers and herbs for us to use and enjoy. To make us strong, vital, and healthy. BUT, if you use herbs to smudge, in rituals, for magical purposes - then, obviouly, that’s putting the power in the herbs and not in God. That’s witchcraft.

But if you’re making teas and broths, herbal salts and tinctures to keep you and your family healthy - do it up and share with your neighbors too. I personally have no problem using herbs like this, and I do it reguarly.

Can christians use flower essences?
Sure. You could. But, you’d want to make sure you know who makes your essences and how they prepare it. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Ask if there is ritual involved. Ask if they speak to the flower essence water and if so what is said. Ask how they come up with their descriptions (often this part is channeled from all sorts of demonic presences). Also, look at the language on their website or on the bottle label.

You’ll also want to make sure the description of the product is clear, grounded, and it makes sense. You would need to know exactly and logically how to take the essence and how it will help you.

lastly, be discerning and patient with yourself through your learning process.

God doesn’t tell us to not do certain things because He wants your life to be boring. He has created a very important framework for us to live by because He loves you and wants to keep you safe.

God hates sin because it separates you from Him.

But your iniquities are separating you from your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not listen. -Isaiah 59:2

Nearly anything good can be used for bad. After being saved I found it really really hard to find an herbalist who didn’t talk about the the wheel of the year, pagan earth worship, or goddess practices when I wanted to only learn more about the properties of plants!

And with flower essences I knew that most essence companies create their flower essences by sitting in ritualistic ceremonies, speaking affirmations or goddess chants into the water.

There were clear decisions I needed to make about what was for me now as a believer and what I’d be choosing to leave behind.

Ask God to support you in your discernment process. Pray that God leads you to clear choices and supplements, plants, herbs, and resources that will benefit you and your family’s health without sacrificing your closeness to Him.

Tap here to shop faith-based favorites on amazon.

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